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ERISA And Private Long-Term Disability Lawyer in New Jersey

If you purchased disability insurance through an employer-sponsored plan, you probably did so with the thought that if you became disabled and needed long-term care, the financial resources you would need would be there for you and your family. Unfortunately, they may not be, at least not without the help of experienced legal counsel.

Our New Jersey lawyer Steven Gaechter helps people secure the disability benefits they deserve from group benefits providers under ERISA and from private insurance carriers.

Experienced Representation Concerning All ERISA And Disability Benefit Issues

At our Bergen County law office, our lawyer provides experienced assistance with all matters related to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and other disability benefits, including:

Dedicated Legal Assistance Assisting With Successful Claims

Many employers offer employees the option to purchase long-term disability insurance. This coverage helps to provide peace of mind to employees, making them feel secure that income benefits will be provided should the need ever arise.

However, most employer group policies for long-term disability coverage are governed by rules set forth under ERISA. These rules must be followed precisely, whether filing your initial application, providing medical documentation or proceeding with an appeal. When it comes to filing claims governed by ERISA, disabled employees are at a significant disadvantage. Claims that should be accepted are often denied, usually with the hope that the claimant will eventually give up.

Never assume your insurer is on your side. Talk to attorney Steven Gaechter before talking to an insurance company representative or before filing a disability claim.

Personalized Service Tailored To Suit Your Needs

Why you should hire a disability lawyer from our firm is simple – every claim is handled personally by our attorney, Steven Gaechter. In the last 30 years, Mr. Gaechter has handled disability claims at every stage and at all levels of appeal, including federal court. In fact, he has fully litigated to conclusion and has prevailed in five federal cases that resulted in reversals of long-term disability benefit denials under ERISA.

Our lawyer has established credibility among defense counsels for the insurers. He is known for his experience, results and professional integrity. This enables him to negotiate fair settlements outside of court whenever possible.

Contact Our Hasbrouck Heights Disability Benefits Lawyer

Get help to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve. Contact our New Jersey ERISA attorney by calling 201-546-5758 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case. Our law offices are conveniently located in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Our attorney makes home visits when necessary and is also available for evening appointments.

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