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Common Myths About SSD

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can help those who are injured or disabled and are unable to work.

Our lawyers at The Law Offices of Steven Gaechter want to ensure that you are not misled about your SSD options. Our attorneys will work hard to get you the much-needed disability benefits and health care coverage that you deserve. We will stand by your side to guide you through the process.

Myth: You Should Not Apply For SSD Again If You Were Denied

SSD claims are commonly – and unfairly – denied on the initial application. Many of those denied claims are valid and will be approved upon appeal. Our firm can help you with this.

Myth: You Shouldn’t Apply For SSD Benefits If You Think You Will Get Better

While you may believe that you will recover from your disability or illness, you should not put off applying for SSD benefits. These benefits could still help you if you are not able to earn an income. And, if you do not recover from your disability or illness, these benefits will continue to support you.

Myth: Only Serious Medical Conditions Are Eligible For SSD Benefits

You can qualify for SSD benefits due to any physical or mental condition that prevents you from working and earning a living. In many cases, people suffer from a combination of conditions that qualify them for benefits rather than due to one serious disorder.

Myth: There Is No Difference Between SSD And SSI

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Social Security Income (SSI) are two different programs, with two different sets of rules. To qualify for SSDI, you must have worked for a certain period and paid into the system, but you need not demonstrate financial need. SSI, by comparison, can be paid to disabled people who have never worked, but it is dependent upon financial need.

Contact An Attorney Today To Learn More

Waiting to apply for SSD benefits may prevent you from getting the help you need. Do not wait to reach out to one of our SSD lawyers. Call us today at 201-546-5758 or contact us online for a free initial consultation to discuss your case.