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What is Ticket to Work under Social Security disability?

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2018 | Social Security Disability

New Jersey residents who are receiving Social Security disability benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income might want to try and work. However, they are reluctant due to a fear that they will lose essential benefits and not be able to get them back if they try to work and are unable to do so. This is where the Ticket to Work program can be beneficial. There are work incentives with Ticket to Work. These can let the person retain some cash benefits, Medicaid or Medicare as they try to get back into the workforce. Those taking part in Ticket to Work need not worry if they try and cannot keep working because they can get their benefits again.

Ticket to Work is for people age 18 to 64. If they receive disability benefits, they can take part in Ticket to Work. The ideal for the Social Security Administration is to help people who can work become independent enough that they will no longer need SSDI or SSI. With Ticket to Work, the person will receive assistance in finding work, getting vocational rehabilitation, and other levels of support. The job will be found through employment networks. These are entities that give support to a person trying to get back on the job. There are various networks to choose from. People are advised to shop around and find one that suits their goals.

Those who use Ticket to Work are often concerned about how it will influence the periodic medical reviews of a person’s disability that are required when getting SSDI or SSI. Those who are in Ticket to Work and making progress in their attempts to get a job will not have a medical review of their condition. For those in Ticket to Work, there are various work incentives. These include: cash benefits while the person is working; Medicare or Medicaid; extra expenses that might accrue due to the disability; expedited reinstatement of benefits if it is necessary; and the plan to achieve self-support (PASS).

For people who are receiving disability benefits under any program offered by the SSA and who would like to try and work, Ticket to Work is a useful program to achieve that. People who are seeking SSD benefits of any kind and would like to work in the future and those who are already getting SSD benefits and want to work should have legal advice for their situation. A lawyer who specializes in Social Security disability and understands Ticket to Work and all it encompasses can help with any circumstance.

Source: ssa.gov, “Your Ticket to Work,” accessed on March 12, 2018


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