Did you know that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) covers mental illness? Disabling conditions can be physical or mental, something the Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes. If you have a debilitating cognitive or psychological condition that...
Month: July 2018
When can one get presumptive Supplemental Security Income?
Some New Jersey residents who are suffering from a specific disability and meet the criteria to get Supplemental Security Income can receive their benefits in a presumptive manner. The basic criteria for SSI is being 65 or older, blind or disabled. Presumptive...
When is a dedicated account needed with SSI benefits?
When a child in New Jersey meets the requirements to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it is important to ensure that the SSI-related benefits provided for the child go toward the care of the child. One way this is done is through a dedicated account.If a...
Vital points about disability, its definition and what it pays
When a New Jersey resident seeks Social Security disability benefits because of an injury, illness or condition, there might be certain misconceptions about several issues. Basic factors are eligibility and how much disability pays a person who is found to be...
A lawyer can help with ERISA
When a New Jersey resident is disabled and is seeking to exercise their right to ERISA or when trying to get long-term disability benefits from a private insurer, one of the key factors is to show the necessary medical evidence and documentation to prove that the...