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How is motor function assessed for disability?

On Behalf of | Jun 14, 2018 | Social Security Disability

Neurological disorders can cause immense problems for New Jersey residents as they try to function each day. If the issues reach a certain level and they are unable to work because of them, they can apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Certain factors must be in place to meet the requirements to receive SSD benefits. One issue that is of paramount importance is the disorganization of motor function. Understanding what this means and when it will be considered “extreme” is imperative to a case.

When there is a disorganization of motor function, the person will suffer from interference in the movement of two of their extremities. This can be limbs on the upper or lower part of the body and it can include wrists, fingers and hands. When the Social Security Administration states “two extremities,” it can be a combination of both upper, both lower, or one of each. Except for certain conditions in which the ability to do certain things is impossible, such as a coma or ALS, the inability to do the following will be considered: standing from a seated position; balancing when walking or standing; or using the upper extremities.

If the person has an extreme limitation, they cannot stand from a seated position without assistance from a device, such as a walker; cannot stand and stay upright without help from another person or an assistive device; cannot use the upper extremities and are unable to do work-related activities with fine and gross movements using arms, hands, fingers to grip, hold or handle on an independent basis.

Those whose neurological condition prevents them from completing the above-listed tasks without help and their ability to work independently is hindered might be able to get SSD benefits. These disability benefits can be helpful to make ends meet and to receive treatment for the issues without worrying about how to support oneself. A legal professional who has experience in neurological cases for Social Security Disability benefits can help to apply for benefits. If the application is denied, an attorney can help with the stages of appeal.


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