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On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2018 | Social Security Disability

As more and more seniors struggle with finances, those who rely on disability benefits through Social Security may be concerned about losing benefits for outstanding debts.

However, there are laws in place to protect you. Read on to learn more about how your disability benefits are secured.

Social security benefits are generally exempt from execution, levy, attachment and garnishment. That means money from Social Security or supplemental security income for a senior is typically exempt from debt collectors or bankruptcy court under the Social Security Act.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), veteran’s benefits and federal employee or civil service retirement benefits are also protected.


However, there may be some exceptions that would allow the federal government to liquidate social security benefits. Benefits may be subject to:

  • The Secretary of the Treasury to make levies to recover delinquent Federal taxes or delinquent child support payments
  • Garnishment in order to enforce a child support or alimony obligation

Social security disability may be granted to any individual whose medical condition prevents them from working for at least a year or may result in death. Applying for disability benefits through social security is easy with the help of a lawyer.

If you have credit card debts, medical bills or unpaid loans, and are worried your Social Security benefits might be used as repayment, contact an attorney for help. An attorney specializing is social security disability benefits understands the need for these funds to be allocated toward the expenses your medical condition necessitates. These lawyers can explain your rights and help keep them protected.


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