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SSD benefits and extreme limitation for neurological issues

On Behalf of | Mar 14, 2019 | Social Security Disability

When people across New Jersey are suffering from a neurological issue, it can negatively impact their ability to do most jobs. These conditions include epilepsy, ALS (or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and more. Since people suffering from these conditions will struggle to work and will also need medical care, it can be difficult if not impossible for them to hold a job. This is where Social Security disability benefits come in.

When seeking benefits, it is imperative to understand various factors in the approval process, including extreme limitation. By extreme limitation, the Social Security Administration means that the person cannot stand from a seated position, is unable to balance while standing or walking, and cannot use their upper extremities to do work-related functions. When this is assessed, the level of interference the person must deal with when performing any of these actions will be critical.

With the inability to stand from a seated position, the person will not be able to stand up and stay upright without help from another individual or with a device like a cane, crutches or a walker. If the person is unable to balance when standing, it means that they cannot stay upright when they stand and walk without similar assistance. Being unable to use upper extremities means the person cannot use hands, arms, shoulders, wrists, fingers and more. They cannot do fine or gross motor movements, making it difficult to grasp, manipulate, pinch and do other general requirements to complete most jobs. They are also unable to pull, push, reach, handle and perform other tasks.

When a person cannot do any of the above-listed tasks, it is all but impossible to hold a normal job. However, it is important to remember that the extreme limitation portion is just part of the process of being approved for SSD benefits. It is imperative to provide evidence that all criteria are met. Legal advice from an experienced Social Security disability lawyer can help.


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