New Jersey residents who apply for disability benefits likely wonder about the maximum monthly disability payment they might qualify for. Disabled workers need to know how much income they will receive to support their families since they can no longer work.
Your lifetime earnings determine your SSDI benefits, which vary from person to person. The maximum monthly disability payment averages $2,224 for a disabled worker and their family.
Your annual Social Security statements provide a breakdown of benefits based on your lifetime earnings. Social Security sends this earning statement to your last recorded address, so keep your information current.
What does FICA have to do with disability payments?
If you have been wondering about FICA, here’s how FICA payroll deductions affect your monthly disability payments. The Federal Insurance Contributions Act uses payroll deductions to cover Social Security benefits such as retirement, spousal and dependent support, and funding for Social Security disability. Funds from FICA keep the average monthly disability payments between 150% and 180% for disabled workers.
Reviewing your annual Social Security earnings statement will help you know how much you will get each month if you become disabled and approved for SSDI payments. You can also check your payroll stub to see how much your FICA contributions are for each pay period. The longer you work without claiming benefits, the higher your payments will be, not exceeding the maximum amount allowed.
How to get the maximum SSDI payment you deserve
The more contributions you make while working increases your SSDI earnings potential. The important thing to remember is that should you become disabled and unable to work, disability payments are an option.
If you did not work much before you became disabled, you still could qualify for benefits. The monthly disability payments can help with household and medical expenses for you and your family.