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Can you work while receiving SSDI benefits in New Jersey?

On Behalf of | Jun 10, 2022 | Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income

A job can give you a sense of purpose while providing you with the opportunity to grow financially. Your injury may have put you out of work for a moment, and it qualified you to receive some monthly benefits to cover your basic needs in New Jersey. But now, you feel like you are ready to go back to your job even though you are still medically disabled. Is this possible? And what impact could it have on your benefits? More on this below.

Can you work while on SSDI?

The answer is yes. You can work while on SSDI in New Jersey. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a program called the Ticket to Work Program that allows people with disabilities to keep their benefits while they explore working again.

There are some limits to how much you can earn, however. If you are raking in more than $1350 per month (or $2260 if you are blind), the SSA will consider you “employed,” and your benefits will stop. But if you earn less than $1350 per month in 2022, the SSA will still consider you “disabled,” and your benefits will continue.

There is also a nine-month trial period in 2022 where you can earn more than $970 per month without it affecting your benefits. This is to encourage people with disabilities to try working again and see if they can do it without losing their benefits altogether.

How working affects your benefits

If you do go back to work while on SSDI, your benefits will not stop immediately. The SSA has a gradual phase-out of benefits as your earnings increase. For every $20 you earn over the $1350 limit in 2022 (or $2260 if you are blind), your SSDI benefits will be reduced by $50. So, if you earn $1400 monthly, your benefit would be reduced by $25 that month.

Your disability must be able to prohibit you from working or earning any income to qualify for SSDI in the first place in New Jersey. However, you may eventually feel ready for part-time or full-time work. If you do, getting a job could be a possibility while still getting your benefits.

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