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Understanding Medicaid qualifications can be challenging

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2022 | Long-Term Disability Insurance

If you become disabled in New Jersey and can’t work, it may be difficult to make ends meet and pay for housing and food. Fortunately, government assistance programs have been created to help individuals in this position. However, following the regulations for each one is essential as they only allow specific income and asset amounts to qualify. Understanding these parameters can make it easier to know if you’re eligible to receive them.

Qualifying for disability-based Medicaid

If you’d like to qualify for disability-based Medicaid, you must have $1133 per month or less in countable income. For married couples, this figure is $1526 or less. The way your income is counted for disability-based Medicaid is similar to the calculations performed to receive SSI.

Receiving Medicaid

When you can’t afford medical care and qualify, receiving Medicaid can be beneficial. It’s an essential aid program offered by the United States, which is managed individually at the state level. An advantage of receiving Medicaid is the low patient co-pays. For some procedures, co-pays are as low as 2 dollars, making this program highly affordable.

Understanding Medicaid eligibility requirements can be challenging

Eligibility can be complex and is determined at the state level, which may change annually. You can have $2000 in countable assets if you’re a single applicant. The medical asset limit, or the “asset test,” is complicated. Several rules are involved, making it difficult to determine if you’ll pass the test. In most cases, your vehicle, home furnishing and home are exempt.

Qualifying for Medicaid when you have private insurance

You may still qualify for Medicaid when you have other health insurance coverage. In this situation, coordination of benefits rules comes into play when deciding who pays your bills first. Some Medicaid programs pay for care expenses directly. Others use private insurance carriers to offer coverage from Medicare. However, some Medicaid qualifying programs require you not to carry any other health insurance to receive funding from Medicaid. Understanding the rules can be frustrating. Learning more about the regulations may help you know how to navigate correctly.

Navigating through Medicaid qualifications when you receive disability income can be confusing. Understanding more about the rules involved with the Medicaid assistance program may be helpful.

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