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SSI benefits, how much it pays and other possible services

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2019 | Supplemental Security Income

Getting approved for Supplemental Security Income in New Jersey can be a relief to people who are blind, disabled, 65 or older and have limited income and resources. That relief can result in people failing to understand the full scope of the services they can receive. It is important to know what is available. Also, people should be cognizant that the amount the Social Security Administration pays in SSI benefits changes based on cost of living considerations. Therefore, it is wise to understand what the payment amount is currently and know how it might rise in the future.

For 2019, the amounts that people get in SSI depends on their living situation. For a person who lives alone or is in his or her own household with others, it will be $802.25 per month. If it is a person who lives with a spouse who does not get SSI, it is $924 per month. For a person who lives in someone else’s household and gets support and maintenance, it is $558.31 per month. If the person resides in a residential health facility, it is $981.05 per month.

For someone who lives in a Medicaid-approved facility, it is $50 per month. A couple who lives alone or with others in the household gets $1,182.36 monthly. A couple who lives in another person’s household and gets support and maintenance will get $864.43 per month. Finally, if it is a couple who lives in a licensed residential facility, it is $1,895.36 per month.

There are other social services that the SSI recipient can get. That can include education and employment help; consumer protection; meals delivered to the home; housing services; money management assistance; help for people who are disabled or blind; transportation and more. One factor in SSI benefits is getting approved for them to begin with. Another is getting the maximum that is available. For help in these aspects of Supplemental Security Income, having legal assistance can be critical.

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