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Is it possible to get SSDI and SSI benefits?

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2021 | Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income

There are many people in New Jersey who receive both Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income. These programs are generally known as SSDI and SSI. Being eligible for both is not typical in most cases, but both programs do apply to many disabled New Jersey residents. The Social Security Administration has set rules regarding qualification for each program, and applicants are assessed for SSDI first. Those who cannot qualify for SSDI are then evaluated for eligibility to receive SSI. Understanding the parameters is important when filing a claim.

SSDI qualification

Social Security Disability Insurance is an insurance program maintained by the Social Security Administration for disabled workers. Recipients must qualify according to their Social Security tax credit record. Tax credits are assessed at four per year with minimum earnings of $5880. Those who apply for benefits must have earned 20 quarterly credits in the past 10 years to qualify.

SSI qualification

Individuals whose SSDI benefit amount falls below the amount allowed for SSI are then assessed for SSI based on their financial needs. Individuals whose SSDI is less than the standard amount for SSI will be allowed the additional benefits if they have $2000 or less in assets, or $3000 if they are married. In addition, recipients can only own one primary residence and have one primary vehicle. Applicants with reduced SSDI benefits who meet the conditions to receive SSI can be awarded both benefits.

It is also important to note that those who receive SSDI without SSI can earn up to $1300 per month while receiving disability while those who receive SSI can only earn less than $80. SSI benefits can be reduced significantly for New Jersey residents who want to work part-time and still qualify for benefits through the SGE-based work program.


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